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Revenues of Social Cooperatives in Poland

Free Photos on pixabayStatistics Poland in online database “Local Data Bank” has published various information about functioning of the Social Cooperatives in Poland. In module entitled “Non-profit sector”, there are information concerning, inter alia, the active associations and organizations, presented in divide into different categories.

One of them concerns “organizations by size of income”. Based on those data it was possible to present the structure of earned income by the Social Cooperatives in divide into voivodships in 2016 (last available data).
Chart 1 presents the percentage of revenues creation done by Social Cooperatives in divide into voivodships. It is observed, that the main contribution in revenues creation belongs to Social Cooperatives located in Mazowieckie (15.5%). It is an effect of number of that type of entities on the market (14.2 thous.). The less contribution was noticed for Social Cooperatives operated in Opolskie (2.5%; the number of Social Cooperatives operated in that voivodship amounted 2.3 thous.).

Chart 1a

Source: own elaboration on the base of Local Data Bank

The total revenues of Social Cooperation can be analyzed in division of revenues’ size. Statistics Poland published the data collected in 5 categories:
– up to 1 thous. PLN
– in the range of 1-10 thous. PLN
– in the range of 10-100 thous. PLN
– in the range of 100 thous. – 1 m. PLN
– exceeding 1 m. PLN
Table 1 presents the percentage of social enterprises’ contribution in revenues creation in each category (divided into voivodships). The percentage makes up to 100 in each column.

Table 1. The percentage of social enterprises’ contribution in revenues creation

Table 2

Note: The percentage makes up to 100 in each column.
Source: own elaboration on the base of Local Data Bank


It is observed that the lowest revenues were created by the Social Cooperatives located in Lubuskie, Opolskie, Podlaskie, Świętokrzyskie, Warmińsko-Mazurskie and Zachodniopomorskie. This situation concerns each revenue category. The main contribution in each category was observed in Mazowieckie and Wielkopolskie to which Śląskie has the ambition to joint in.


Statistics Poland, 2019, Local Data Bank – database
Photo: Free-Photos (on

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