Within the project entitled “Using innovation procurement and capacity building to promote circular economy” (Circular PP), I’ve decided to undertake the environmental issues on the blog.
Statistics Poland prepares periodical (yearly) elaboration about environmental protection in Poland. In this report questions related with circular economy topics are presented. In this post I want to present some figures of waste production and processing in Poland in last year.
During last 17 years waste production oscillated between 125 and 137 m. tonnes, including approx. 12 m. tonnes of municipal waste (Chart 1).
Chart 1. Waste generated during a year in Poland
Source: (Statistics Poland, 2018).
Over 49% of waste are recovered, but the real amount of recovery depends on the voivodship. The highest amount of waste recovery was noted in Opolskie voivodship (although the real numbers are not so high: 1.6 m. tonnes of waste generated and 1.5 m. tonnes of waste recovered). The highest amount of waste generating was noted in Dolnośląskie (35.2 m. tonnes) and in Śląskie (31.6 m. tonnes). The % of waste recovering stand at accordingly 13% in Dolnośląskie and 83% in Śląskie (Chart 2).
Chart 2. Percentage of waste recovered in 2017 by voivodships
Source: (Statistics Poland, 2018).
Reusing or recovering of technologically advanced waste is still insufficient. For example, although since 2010 reusing of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has increased by 400 percent points, in real numbers it amounts only 1,2 thousand tonnes reused (increasing from 0,3 thous. tonnes in 2010 to 1,2 thous. tones; See: Table 1).
Table 1. Reused, recycled and recovers waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) in thous. tonnes
Source: (Statistics Poland, 2018).
Recycling is much more popular, as evidenced by the increasing from 88 thousand tonnes in 2010 to 2 million tonnes in 2017.
In the further posts I would like to present an economic aspects of environmental protection.
Environment 2018, Statistics Poland, Warsaw 2018.
Photo: djedi (on pixabay.com)